Remote Controlled Wheelchair System


        Assistive robotics can improve the quality of life for disable people. Nowadays, there are many help systems to control and guide autonomous mobile robots. All this systems allow their users to travel more efficiently and with greater ease.

All this techniques can be applied to different people according to their disability degree, using always the technique or techniques more efficiently for each person an eye-control device. Control is made by means Remote controller.

        This project “Remote controlled Wheelchair System for Handicapped” is used for handicapped persons who are not able to move from one place to another place. This project is achieved by the process of remote controller with RF transceiver and micro controller.

        The required movement is selected with the use of remote controller and it sends to controller. Then the controller transmits the signal through RF Transmitter. The RF receiver receives the signal and it sends signal to controller then the controller moves the wheelchair with the use of motors which is fixed at wheels. 

Block diagram of Transmitter:


Block diagram of Receiver:



              The above block diagram shows the operation of the project “Remote controlled Wheelchair System for Handicapped”. Through the keypad the direction of the movement is selected. Micro controller receives these inputs from the keypad.

              If the key 1 is pressed (For right side movement) the Controller sends output signal to the motor 1 through RF Transmitter. Similarly the keys for different movement are selected with the help of the keypad (Forward, Reverse, Left and Right side movements).

              The RF receiver receives the signal and it sends signal to controller then the controller moves the wheelchair with the use of motors which is fixed at wheels through the driver circuit. Then the driver circuit drives the motor to run. Similarly the other movements are done.  LCD is used to display the movement for user convenient.

Materials List:


  •         Micro controller- At89S52
  •         Battery 12V
  •         LCD Display
  •         DC Motors
  •         Driver circuits
  •         Keil-C-Compiler
  •         RF Transceiver


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