Mobile Security System Using Transient Authentication

       Mobile communication becoming a part of essential thing in human being’s life. In security field, identity verification plays a basic role since it enables access to strategic places and resources to be controlled. Security system and remote switching system is managed through this project by using RF Transmitter/Receiver and GSM modem. 
      Mobile theft also happened normally. To secure our mobile, security must be needed like activate by the user only. RF Transmitter unit will transmit data which is kept by the user. RF Receiver will receive the signal and then mobile will activated. 

       Micro controller is interfaced with the RF Receiver, GSM modem, GPS modem, LCD display and keyboard. LCD display and Keyboard is interfaced for user convenience. GSM (Global System for Mobile) modem is interfaced with the controller to activate the mobile communication. RF Receiver will receive the data from the transmitter and inform to controller as authorized person, only if matches the data. Otherwise mobile can’t be activated by unauthorized person. 

      Transmitter unit will be operated by Battery. If mobile theft happened, GPS modem will transmit the location and it will send as SMS to the nominated person which will be predefined in the controller. It will send SMS to the authorized one, if the unauthorized person changes the SIM also.

Block Diagram:


       Micro controller is interfaced with the RF Receiver, GSM modem, GPS modem, LCD display and keyboard. LCD display and Keyboard is interfaced for user convenience. GSM (Global System for Mobile) modem is interfaced with the controller to activate the mobile communication.

        RF transmitter continuously transmits the data through air by using the GPS. The GPS receivers take this information and use triangulation to calculate the user's exact location. Essentially, the GPS receiver compares the time a signal was transmitted by a satellite with the time it was received. 

       RF Receiver will receive the data from the transmitter and inform to controller as authorized person, only if matches the data. Otherwise mobile can’t be activated by unauthorized person. Transmitter unit will be operated by Battery. 
If mobile theft happened, GPS modem will transmit the location and it will send as SMS to the nominated person which will be predefined in the controller. It will send SMS to the authorized one, if the unauthorized person changes the SIM also. 

Tools Required:
  • Micro controller
  • Memory
  • GSM modem
  • GPS modem 
  • RF Transmitter 
  • RF Receiver 
  • Battery 
  • LCD 
  • Keyboard 
  • ‘C’ Compiler


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